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Nexus Registry


Temporal Nexus is available in Public Preview for Temporal Cloud and self-hosted deployments.

The Nexus Registry is used to view and manage Nexus Endpoints. Adding a Nexus Endpoint to the Nexus Registry deploys the Endpoint, so it is available at runtime to serve Nexus requests.

Nexus Overview


The Nexus Registry is scoped to an Account in Temporal Cloud and scoped to a Cluster for self-hosted deployments.

Developers can advertise available Endpoints and Services, so others can find them for use in their caller Workflows. Endpoint names must be unique within the Nexus Registry.

View and Manage Nexus Endpoints

Nexus Endpoints may be managed using the Temporal UI, the CLI, or the Cloud Ops API.


Search for a Nexus Endpoint

You can search the Nexus Registry for Endpoint name or an Endpoint's target Namespace to quickly find an Endpoint of interest.

Nexus Endpoints

The Endpoint details page shows the target Namespace and target Task Queue along with the endpoint description rendered as markdown.

Nexus Billing

Create a Nexus Endpoint

Creating a Nexus Endpoint includes setting an Access Policy of caller Namespaces that can access the Endpoint. Even the target Namespace must be added to the Access Policy to access the Endpoint. Temporal Cloud also provides built-in Endpoint access control in the form of a caller Namespace allowlist, which must be set for any caller to access a Nexus Endpoint, even if in the same Namespace.

Create Nexus Endpoint

Edit a Nexus Endpoint

Editing a Nexus Endpoint allows changing everything but the Endpoint Name. The target Namespace and target Task Queue can be updated without interrupting existing in-flight Nexus Operations that are already being processed, and new Nexus Operations will be routed to the updated target Namespace and target Task Queue.

Edit Nexus Endpoint

Configure runtime access controls

Configure the Endpoint's Access Policy to control which callers can access a Nexus Endpoint at runtime.

Configure runtime access controls

The Access Policy allows specifying the caller Namespaces that can use Nexus Services on an Endpoint at runtime.

No callers are allowed by default, even if the caller is in the same namespace as the Endpoint target.

See Runtime Access Controls for more information.

Roles and permissions


Temporal Cloud has built-in Nexus security. For self-hosted deployments you can implement custom Authorizers.

In Temporal Cloud, access to the Nexus Registry is controlled with the following roles and permissions:

  • View, list, and search Nexus Endpoints:

    • Read-only role (or higher) in an Account
  • Manage a Nexus Endpoint (create, edit, delete) requires both:

    • Developer role (or higher) in an Account
    • Namespace Admin permission on the Endpoint's target Namespace

    See Nexus Security in Temporal Cloud for more information.